- ODOs/Battery/IMU
- Tow/EU/Geometry/IDD

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries, Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.IMU
Sub-Meter Accuracy
Tow section, electronic and geometry and IDD modulemicron-v03
- ODOs/Battery
- Tow/EU

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.
Patented dual module AMFL Magnetizers
Micron AMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 640 samples per square inch.- 40 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.080” (2.0 mm).
- Circumferential Crack detection from 0.002“ (50 microns).
- Pin Hole detection from 0.100” (2500 microns).

Tow and Electronic
- ODOs/Battery
- Tow/EU/Geometry/IDD

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.
Patented dual module AMFL Magnetizers
Micron AMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 640 samples per square inch.- 40 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.080” (2.0 mm).
- Circumferential Crack detection from 0.002“ (50 microns).
- Pin Hole detection from 0.100” (2500 microns).

Tow section, electronic and geometry and IDD modulemicron-v05
This tool configurations reliably detects and sizes pipeline features, metal loss, and mechanical damage. This combo tool also provides precise profiling of mechanical damage every 0.8 inch (20mm) around the circumference of the pipe. The on-board state of the art inertial measurement unit can provide 3.3 ft. (sub-meter) accuracy with references up to 1 mile (1,600m) apart.
- ODOs/Battery/IMU
- Tow/EU/Geometry/IDD

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries, Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.IMU
Sub-Meter Accuracy
Patented dual module AMFL Magnetizers
Micron AMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 640 samples per square inch.- 40 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.080” (2.0 mm).
- Circumferential Crack detection from 0.002“ (50 microns).
- Pin Hole detection from 0.100” (2500 microns).

Tow section, electronic and geometry and IDD modulemicron-v06
- ODOs/Battery/EU
- Tow

Long life Batteries and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.
Patented Tri-module CMFL Magnetizers
Micron CMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 1000 samples per square inch.- 72 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.043" (1.1 mm).
- Axial Crack detection from 0.002" (50 microns) under development.
- Pinhole detection from 0.100" (2500 microns).

Tow Section
Tow section designed for both AMFL & CMFL and long range capabilities. Tow section with front 22 Hz transmitter.micron-v07
- ODOs/Battery
- EU/Geometry/IDD
- Tow

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.
Electronic, Geometry and IDD
Geometry Module delivering fine resolution and high accuracy. Industry leading Micron IDD sensors for detecting cracking, pin holes and anomalies with high stress concentrations.- IDD - Deep Crack detection from 0.002” (50 microns) under development.
- Geometry - detection from 0.020“ (500 microns).

Patented Tri-module CMFL Magnetizers
Micron CMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 1000 samples per square inch.- 72 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.043" (1.1 mm).
- Axial Crack detection from 0.002" (50 microns) under development.
- Pinhole detection from 0.100" (2500 microns).

Tow Section
Tow section designed for both AMFL & CMFL and long range capabilities. Tow section with front 22 Hz transmitter.micron-v08
This tool configuration uses a circumferential-orientated magnetic field, capable of detecting and quantifying many types of critical and sub-critical flaws that include axial cracking, mechanical damage, narrow axial corrosion, general metal loss and very small diameter corrosion pitting. This combo tool also provides precise profiling of mechanical damage every 0.8 inch (20mm) around the circumference of the pipe. The on-board state of the art inertial measurement unit can provide 3.3 ft. (sub-meter) accuracy with references up to 1 mile (1,600m) apart.
- ODOs/Battery/IMU
- EU/Geometry/IDD
- Tow

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries, Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.IMU
Sub-Meter Accuracy
Electronic, Geometry and IDD
Geometry Module delivering fine resolution and high accuracy. Industry leading Micron IDD sensors for detecting cracking, pin holes and anomalies with high stress concentrations.- IDD - Deep Crack detection from 0.002” (50 microns) under development.
- Geometry - detection from 0.020“ (500 microns).

Patented Tri-module CMFL Magnetizers
Micron CMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 1000 samples per square inch.- 72 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.043" (1.1 mm).
- Axial Crack detection from 0.002" (50 microns) under development.
- Pinhole detection from 0.100" (2500 microns).

Tow Section
Tow section designed for both AMFL & CMFL and long range capabilities. Tow section with front 22 Hz transmitter.micron-v09
- ODOs/Battery
- EU/Geometry/IDD
- Tow

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.
Patented dual module AMFL Magnetizers
Micron AMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 640 samples per square inch.- 40 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.080” (2.0 mm).
- Circumferential Crack detection from 0.002“ (50 microns).
- Pin Hole detection from 0.100” (2500 microns).

Electronic, Geometry and IDD
Geometry Module delivering fine resolution and high accuracy. Industry leading Micron IDD sensors for detecting cracking, pin holes and anomalies with high stress concentrations.- IDD - Deep Crack detection from 0.002” (50 microns) under development.
- Geometry - detection from 0.020“ (500 microns).

Patented Tri-module CMFL Magnetizers
Micron CMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 1000 samples per square inch.- 72 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.043" (1.1 mm).
- Axial Crack detection from 0.002" (50 microns) under development.
- Pinhole detection from 0.100" (2500 microns).

Tow Section
Tow section designed for both AMFL & CMFL and long range capabilities. Tow section with front 22 Hz transmitter.micron-v10
This all-in-one Combo tool uses both Axial and Circumferential magnetic fields, and is capable of detecting and quantifying pipeline features such as general metal loss, pinholes, very small diameter pitting, as well as many types of critical and sub-critical flaws that include axial and circumferential cracking (CSCC), and narrow axial corrosion. This combo tool also provides precise profiling of mechanical damage every 0.8 inch (20mm) around the circumference of the pipe. The on-board state of the art inertial measurement unit can provide 3.3 ft. (sub-meter) accuracy with references up to 1 mile (1,600m) apart.
- ODOs/Battery/IMU
- EU/Geometry/IDD
- Tow

Batteries, IMU, odometers and rear 22 Hz transmitter
Long life Batteries, Sub-meter accuracy IMU, and 3 independent ODO systems delivering high precision and reliability.IMU
Sub-Meter Accuracy
Patented dual module AMFL Magnetizers
Micron AMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 640 samples per square inch.- 40 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.080” (2.0 mm).
- Circumferential Crack detection from 0.002“ (50 microns).
- Pin Hole detection from 0.100” (2500 microns).

Electronic, Geometry and IDD
Geometry Module delivering fine resolution and high accuracy. Industry leading Micron IDD sensors for detecting cracking, pin holes and anomalies with high stress concentrations.- IDD - Deep Crack detection from 0.002” (50 microns) under development.
- Geometry - detection from 0.020“ (500 microns).

Patented Tri-module CMFL Magnetizers
Micron CMFL Magnetizers delivering up to 1000 samples per square inch.- 72 Hall Effect Sensors per diameter inch.
- Sensor spacing 0.043" (1.1 mm).
- Axial Crack detection from 0.002" (50 microns) under development.
- Pinhole detection from 0.100" (2500 microns).